The author of this article starts from his own work experience and combines relevant cases to share the relevant experience of the B-end product analysis bulk sms service demand process for your reference and learning. The product career has reached the midfield, and I have just completed a back-end + end product recently, so I put forward my work insights, hoping to reduce the detours of the backward peers. question If the product colleagues who have not done it or have less bulk sms service contact with the back-end products get the back-end products, they will find the following problems when sorting out the needs:
You will find that the requirements are very clear, but they are too explicit, difficult to abstract, and unable to form a complete logical chain; It is difficult to bulk sms service determine the priority of requirements, and you can't prove it with data. the end, the criteria for judging priority often become "human system". KPs mention high priorities, and others mention low priorities. bulk sms service The decision of "human flesh" will inevitably lead to inaccurate product judgment in some aspects. The whole process of B-end product analysis 1. Project background: what problem to solve
The background of the project is very important, especially for B-end products, the purpose of the product is very strong, we want to solve the user's problem through the product, so it is very important to figure out what problem the user wants to solve. Why, that is, bulk sms service the purpose of the product is very important to the product manager, here we recommend "first thinking", this is the research method of physics, peeling off the layers of veils on the surface of things, and seeing the core inside the essence, and then push back from the essence layer by layer. There is a simple bulk sms service way to do this is the chain questioning method. Among them, when B-end product managers are thinking,