One technical reason is that Canadian politicians have long been skeptical of the extent of China's incursion into Canada, even when strong evidence is in front of them, and they have long had little respect for Canada's national security and intelligence efforts. Canadian politicians are mostly left-leaning, even the Canadian Conservative Party is more left than the U.S. Democratic Party, and left-wing politicians often view their country’s national security and intelligence services as equally dangerous institutions that threaten liberal democracy (“KGB”).
Necessary Evil"), keep it at a distance, limit its power and funding, and shelve most of the problems it discovers. In addition, Chengping has been too long, because Canada is a neighbor of the United States, and Canada basically does not need to worry about national defense issues, and is unaware of the "stealth warfare" launched by China. The more important whatsapp list reason is that China implements a policy of racial discrimination and even genocide within its borders (against ethnic minorities such as Uyghurs and Tibetans), but takes advantage of the West's obsession with "political correctness" to dress itself up as a victim. Possess the "privilege to do evil". Wen Dafeng wrote: “The fear of being labelled racially discriminatory has limited discussions about the activities of CCP proxies in Canada.
Whenever someone publicly questions Canada’s relationship with China, there is always an immediate outrageous reaction. Come on, say racism is behind the problem.” Because Canada, like the United States, has had a period of exclusion from China in its history, and was particularly cautious about racial discrimination. Whenever a Chinese refutes an investigation of a Communist Party agent, the relevant departments tend to back away and dare not respond confidently.