With continuous updates and improvements it becomes even more important to keep your business information current and consistent across all platforms. If you would like to increase the visibility of your business, product or service locally or internationally please email us at or call to speak to a member of our team. E-Commerce Image Optimization Tips You Must Know Thu 11 Jan 2020 Web Planner Digital Marketing Golden Songs Review Ever wondered why those high quality large images on your product pages or landing pages might be causing your site users to load slower.
Why do you? Product images are not showing up in search results. Have you checked for conversions? Are your web conversions suffering due to unoptimized images? impact your website Latest Mailing Database performance, user experience, and conversions. Image optimization is also important for customer retention; why acquiring new customers costs 200% more than retaining existing ones. A good customer experience is a must for customer retention.
If you can only improve customer retention you can increase profits. We've been working closely with website owners and marketers who don't understand the technical details of coding or design. Still, that doesn't mean they shouldn't know the technical basics that play such an important role in your conversion and retention rates. This means that as a marketer or website You must know and understand what image optimization is and why it is important First of all for eCommerce websites images take up more byte size than anything else.